Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tapering the week

I haven’t thrown in the towel yet. Whew! This new job prospect still has me stoked. I’m making considerable strides in tapering off. I’ve averaged about 3-4 cigarettes a day this last week. I am able to stave off the morning cigarette and have been going for long stretches without smoking. I still hit points in my day (usually late afternoon/evening time) and give in to my cravings. If I want this job, I have to quit smoking. There’s no way around it.

I went clothes shopping for updated business attire. I’ve gained 10 pounds from stress eating, which kind of bummed me out while shopping. I fear how much weight I will gain when I completely quit smoking? Experts say that once a person quits, that person’s metabolism temporarily slows down. Stress is making me exhausted with hopping on the treadmill being the last thing I want to do. I’m hoping that with a new job, my daily routine will adjust and I’ll sleep better (because it’s stressful not working right now as well). Then maybe I’ll have enough energy to exercise and counter the slowed metabolism?

I don’t have much to report this week. But, I’m making progress and haven’t given up!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear about your progress, Cat! You can do it! Sorry about the unfortunate side effects you are experiencing, but hopefully those will lessen as your body adjusts to the changes you are making. I know it's not the same thing, but I gave up meat, and my body definitely didn't appreciate it for the first few weeks. But the longer I went, the easier it became to ignore the meat cravings and the more my metabolism adjusted. Now it's been a couple years, and I hardly miss it at all. Of course, it's not the same at all as giving up an addiction, but everything gets easier with time! Keep on appreciating the small victories, and don't push yourself too hard.
