Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Finally! My Efforts Have NOT Gone Up In Smoke!

Number of Days without smoking: 9

It’s official. I’ve gotten through what many ex-smokers say is a milestone: 1 week without a cigarette! Unlike the previous week that included a Saturday night relapse, I haven’t given into my cravings at all this past week. It’s been nine days without and my habit is starting to lose its control over me. Before now, my cravings felt overpowering and I had to use all my strength and will power to not succumb. Now, when I have a craving, my rational mind is in charge again rather than my body’s physical withdrawal. I actually get angry at the cravings, thinking, “How dare you show up! You’re not getting the best of me!” And I grab a piece of gum or candy to chew until the craving passes.

I believe the strength of my incentive to quit pushed me through last week (the last two weeks, for that matter). I really wanted the public relations job opening I mentioned in a previous blog. I knew without question that smoking and PR work do not go hand in hand. And not wanting to be associated with smoking—meaning, no hint of the smell anywhere on me, my clothes, my truck, or my furniture—was an immediate nix for my chances at being hired. And now, I got the job!!!!!!!

This cold-turkey has not done withdrawal cold. I have chosen a gradual step-down with Nicoderm CQ patches. I just completed Step 1 (21mg for 2 weeks) and started Step 2 last night (14mg for 2 weeks). I am so happy I took this route because the patch has taken some of the “edge” off the physical withdrawal, making it easier for me to stay in control. However, I have some itching and slight skin irritation where the patch is adhered. I also don’t like the redness and ring of adhesive left behind on my skin when I remove the depleted patch. And because I want to be discreet about quitting, my back looks like a red “patch”-work. But, I think the benefits far outweigh any side effects I’m experiencing.

I’m looking forward to the next week without smoking as I attempt to integrate a regular exercise regimen into my schedule!


  1. Cat, that's SO awesome!!! I'm so proud of you. Yay! I'm totally doing a happy dance right now.

    And you got the job, too! Double-happy dance! Now just keep your fingers crossed that I get mine, too! ;o) (I'll find out in two weeks.)

  2. Hooray! Congratulations on passing such a milestone!! If you can get through a week without a cigarette, you can get through ANYTHING! Congrats on getting your job as well!

    Sorry to hear about the rashes associated with the Nicoderm patches, but I'm glad the benefits make up for it. Hopefully you will be able to taper off the patches before too long as well. Keep up the awesome work!
