Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Small Successes

As you know from my last blog, I hit a stumbling block last week. It’s out of my hands and will work out however it works out. I can’t put my energy and focus on it. I have too much in this life that I want to accomplish. So, I’m leaving it like Carrie Bradshaw and Mr. Big (ladies, you’ll know where I’m coming from with that!).

That being said, have I abstained from smoking? The answer is no. And I have been beating myself up over this answer for a week now. But, a good friend pointed something out to me that I refused to give myself credit for: the small successes.

I’m a perfectionist. And with major goals, I tend to be black and white, all or nothing. Always striving to do better and be better. And I will beat myself up when I fall short of my goal. Yet, as the same good friend points out, I often fail to appreciate the process.

So, that’s what I need to do. I need to acknowledge my accomplishments and recognize them for what they are...progress. For two years, I have only known life as a smoker. So, I need to look at my missteps, but focus more on my successes and appreciate them! So here they are:

  • I have cutback, tremendously. I went from smoking over a pack a day to (as of yesterday) only having smoked 4 cigarettes. (Smoked more today only because I’m writing. Progress, none the less.)
  • I have changed my routine and broken my hardest habit: the morning cigarette when I wake up.
  • I have cut back on my caffeine (another trigger) to 1 cup of coffee or tea a day.
  • I have abstained from the urge to smoke after a meal.
  • I am currently laundering all my curtains, linens, etc. to limit where I can smoke.

I want to leave this week’s blog with the above list. Today, I will recognize my accomplishments. Today, I will appreciate my success and build on that!


  1. Yay! I think you've got the right idea with focusing on the's much more positive!! Good luck, and I hope things are going better for you!!

  2. Kudos! Now let yourself celebrate - treat yourself to something that you'll enjoy that will encourage you to keep up this great progress. Perhaps a mani-pedi, a cute new shirt, something - whatever it is - to remind you of how far you've come and why you're doing this. Little rewards always help reinforce positive behavior. :) Keep it up!
